The Kane County Health Department is working to assess and assure mental health services for the residents of Kane County. Access to mental health services is one of the 5 priorities under Kane County’s IPLAN (Illinois Project for Local Assessment of Needs).
Convening and staffing a council of mental health providers.
Countrywide coordination of mental health services to achieve greater efficiencies and productivity by leveraging resources and creating/sustaining state and federal collaborations.
Survery of schools, medical and mental health providers.
Increase a coordinated community awareness campaign of mental health services and educate ancillary agency staff on mental health screening and referral.
Advocacy for increased routine screening for depression in doctor’s clinics general suicide awareness education.
The Kane County Health Department, through its Family Case Management program for Medicaid-eligible pregnant women and infants up to their first birthday, provides maternal depression screening, referral for evaluation, and linkage for treatment for pregnant and postpartum women in the program. In addition, social-emotional screening, referral, and linkage are provided for infants in the program. Please visit the website for more information.
The All Our Kids (AOK) network is working strategically to address countywide child mental health issues. For example, the revised Children’s Mental Health Directory can be accessed through the AOK page: . It is housed on the AOK website which is a Kane County community partner. AOK is also a member of the state wide Children’s Mental Health Partnership and is sponsoring the “Say it out loud” campaign (